Milwaukee’s Swing Park Family Photos

Can you believe in all of the years that I’ve lived in Milwaukee, I only visited the Swing Park for the first time last Fall?  Two of my daughters were taking classes at Adventure Rock  (I *highly* recommend rock climbing classes for your kiddos – it’s only $75 for 4 classes, including all of the gear, and they will be WORN out, mentally and physically, at the end of their time there) and we had an hour in between, so we visited this little park which is hidden under and overpass.  It’s so fun!

When one of my favorite families asked if we could do our shoot there, my answer was YES PLEASE!  Of course it was the first pleasant evening after eleventy-billion days of rain, so we weren’t the only ones there, but we were able to find some great spots in and around the park for super fun family photos.

This session was so fun and resulted in a perfect mix of great family photos and super fun, candid moments.  Here are a few of my favorites!

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507 S 2nd St, Milwaukee, WI 53204 // call or text: 414-690-3962